Thursday, 24 March 2016

#lilac16: Teaching electronic resources to students with computer anxiety

Lilac went by so fast... and it's already over!

On Monday, I presented a short paper to an impressively packed classroom...

Picture by Heather Dalal.

As promised, here is my presentation, with added notes so that you get what I was talking about...

Note that lots of the active learning activities I mention come directly (or after modification) from this book (aka: the Bible).

I will try and post "how-tos" for some of the activities I adapted on this blog later on.

In the next few days, I will also post my notes from talks I attended... Stay tuned!

Friday, 18 March 2016

#Lilac16: preparing for it!

Let's revive this blog from its slumber...

Just a short word to say that I'm very much looking forward to going to #lilac16 next week.

I've been preparing the best I can: being an introvert at a conference is not always easy!

So far I have:
  • Booked a hotel room near the conference venue so that I can retreat for quiet times if need be. 
  • Printed all of my itineraries, plane tickets, coach tickets, hotel bookings... And also saved everything on Google Drive...
  • Studied the program and booked the talks I want to go to.
  • Tweeted to all the presenters of those talks to say hi. 
  • Looked up some "escape routes": if I go to the networking event / conference dinner, I need the reassurance of being able to leave without having to wait for the official coach back. Big events like that are always very stressful for my little introvert heart!
  • I also printed some little handouts with most of the content of my talk + references, just in case anybody wants one (come and ask me!).
  • And finally, I followed this useful webinar on getting the most out of the conference (and practiced my sketchnoting at the same time...)

Are you going too?
How have you prepared so far?
Let's meet!